Let's get started
A delightful Christmas story for everyone, celebrating the core values of Christmas in a simple and magical tradition, based on the Scandinavian tradition about the magical little Nisse.
The Christmas Nisse is on a mission to create and collect Christmas Joy, because the magic of joy is what makes Santa's sleigh fly. ​
On the last night in November The Nisse will roam thought the cold to find the way to your home, you know he have arrived when his little door appears.

What you need to do
Imagine a tradition with only a few things to do but you add all the wonders of the Christmas magic?
The Christmas Nisse, based on the old tales from the North this sweet simple tradition celebrating the core values of Christmas - love, kindness and magic.
A tradition for all ages to enjoy.
Let’s get started, it’s so easy to do
Here is 3 ways to start your
Christmas Nisse tradition.
The secret way - The Christmas Nisse comes with the door
The do it together way - You place the door for the Nisse
The Gingerbread House way - make your gingerbread house into a Nisse home
The "Secret" Way
This is a great way to use when you have little (or big) kid(s) that believe in the magic of Christmas.
As told in the book, The Christmas Nisse moves in on the last night in November. ​On the last night in November, after the kids are in bed, find that perfect place to pop up the door.
If you feel a little creative you can add accessories of your choose to make the door unique for your family. ​
And that’s it, you are ready to welcome The Christmas Nisse on the morning of December 1st.
You can add a few trick or gift doing the holidays, but this is all up to you, the only thing left is to collect all that joy and love.
This has been the tradition in our family since my children were little. Our boys are now 8 and 10 and they are still eagerly watching for the door to appear.
The most important thing is that The Christmas Nisse is a secret and he magically moves into your home.
Schhhh, I think I can hear something....

The "do it together" way
This way was introduced to me by a special Christmas Nisse family. They have three big kids that sill want to believe and feel the Christmas Joy.
On the last day in November, they decided to create a special moment filled with hygge, coziness and magic. They gathered together to put up the door creating a beautiful moment, filling the room with Christmas joy.
They told me The Christmas Nisse moved in the next day
​Over the Christmas days the Christmas Nisse was there to remind them to spread kindness and love to each other.
The "gingerbread house" way
Did you see in The Christmas Nisse book that the Nisse's house looks like it's made out of gingerbread? With toasty brown walls and a roof that is white and icy.
Build your own gingerbread house and let the Nisse move into his new home.
When you make the gingerbread house you create a special moment, alone or with others, filled with the magic of Christmas joy, ready for The Nisse to collect.
The Nisse is so excited to move into a home that you made with love.

The door contains small parts! Seek immediate medical attention if parts may have been swallowed!
-This door is made for inside use only-
The Door
On the last night in November, please attach The Christmas Nisse’s door inside your home. You can place the door above the floorboard, a dresser, a window or maybe over your chimney.
- your imagination is the limit -
Note - You can use mounting puddy or command strips to hang up the door without leaving marks on your wall.
​It can be so hard to avoid the temptation of touching the door, but remember;
"If you touch my door, my magic is gone"
​ - The Christmas Nisse